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May 01 2019

Product Over Process: Do Your Own Thing and Build Better Software

I used to be a product manager at a company that will remain nameless. Here’s how projects worked: First I would put together a project request form that contained a lengthy requirements section. After the engineering team approved this project

Steve Tiszenkel

NewsProduct Management

Oct 31 2018

Goal Setting For Product Managers

Setting goals In order to accomplish anything important, you need to set multiple goals. Your goals need to be both in the big and in the small. The small goals that you set every day will help you hit the larger

Nick Kishfy

Project ManagementProduct Management

May 01 2018

Building the Right Product vs. Building the Product Right

Product Management Venn Diagram The Product Manager is an essential player in the software development process. Yet, we often find ourselves answering a troubling question when sitting down with eager prospective clients. > "Why do I need a PM? I already know

Paul Lanyon

Product ManagementDesignEngineeringProductTeam Management

May 01 2018

25 Questions To Cover In Your Discovery Kickoff

Man attempting to navigate terrain with a map At MojoTech, we care about building great products, but more importantly, we care about building the right products. And building the right product is hard. Because we can only build products based on the

Shaughnessy Conley Speirs

Product ManagementDiscovery

Sep 26 2017

How to Successfully Kick Off Your Product Discovery Process

At MojoTech, we’ve had many internal discussions about the line between project and product management in a client-services product management model. But there is a product practice area that we use for almost all of our clients: Discovery facilitation —

Shaughnessy Conley Speirs

Product ManagementProject ManagementCommunicationProduct

Aug 29 2017

Product Management Biases (And How to Avoid Them)

As a product manager, our job is to shepherd the client’s vision to help make it a reality, and along the way make suggestions and improvements based on our research and our own experiences. It is the latter part that

Lauren Mullaney-Reid

Product ManagementProject ManagementProduct

May 29 2017

Why Bad UX Is Causing Health Insurers to Lose Revenue

You and your marketing team spend a tremendous amount of time and energy getting people to visit your company’s website. You run ads. Publish content. Attend community events and hand out pens. Lots and lots of pens. And it works. People come

Mike Davis

UXUIDesignProduct ManagementInnovationBusiness